Spinal Stenosis

Stenosis is a condition characterized by the narrowing of the spinal canal and Intervertebral Foramen. These structures encase the spinal cord and nerve roots, and when they become narrowed can put pressure on these structures. The narrowing of these spaces is closely associated with arthritis / degeneration and postural changes. This condition typically shows signs of neck and arm pain more prominent when looking upward or when rotating the neck.

Our Approach

Because the condition is associated with degeneration, we follow an approach similar to the treatment of arthritis. We focus on restoration of function by emphasizing joint movement and increasing the ability of the muscles to support and stabilize the affected joints. In addition, we assess how the body as a whole if functioning to uncover any other movement abnormalities that may be affecting the degenerated area. Treatment is dependent on stages of degeneration but generally includes chiropractic adjustments, Myofascial Release Techniques (MRT), low intensity laser therapy, spinal stability exercises, and functional rehabilitation.In addition, we employ specific home exercises to facilitate a posture and spinal position that will expand the size of the spinal canal and intervertebral foramen, which maximizes the available space for the nerves.