Muscle Strains / Tendonitis
Psoas / Iliopsoas
The psoas or iliopsoas muscle is located on the front of the hip and pelvis and is responsible for hip flexion. As the tendon becomes strained there will often be pain on the front of the hip during or after walking or running. If left untreated it may lead to additional problems into the low back as well. This condition responds well to Myofascial Release Technique (MRT) and functional rehabilitation.
Gluteus Medius
Gluteus medius tendonitis is one of the most common conditions affecting the hip. This muscle is located on the side of the hip and is responsible for stabilizing the hip and pelvis in the lateral direction, especially when body weight is centered over one leg – such as with walking or running. The patient suffering from this condition will experience pain and tenderness on the outside pf the hip and pelvis during or after walking, running, or other weight bearing activities. As this muscle becomes strained it will cause overload to the surrounding muscles as they are forced to work harder, which will lead to additional strain and injury to the hip, pelvis, and low back. Treatment must focus on restoring the normal muscle balance and strength to not just the gluteus medius but to all the surrounding muscles through Myofascial Release Techniques (MRT) and home stretching and strengthening. As the patient’s pain diminishes functional rehabilitation is needed to ensure the condition does not return.
The piriformis muscle is a deep muscle located on the back of the hip. It functions to rotate the hip and stabilize the hip and pelvis with weight bearing activities. When this muscle becomes strained the patient will commonly feel a deep, dull, ache into the hip and buttock area. This condition responds well to Myofascial Release Technique (MRT) and home stretching. In longstanding cases functional rehabilitation is often necessary to prevent recurrences.
The hamstring muscle group attaches into the pelvis at the posterior hip and travels down the back of the leg to insert on the back of the knee. This muscle can become strained at the knee (see knee pain) or at its upper portion at the back of the hip/thigh. Hamstring strains are often accompanied by a sudden pull or pop during an activity involving strenuous of forceful leg movements. Weight bearing is often painful and walking will usually aggravate the pain in the back of the thigh / hip. This condition may require rest and ice in the initial stages, with a progressive strengthening program to restore strength and endurance to the muscle. Myofascial Release Technique (MRT) is also very effecting in providing a more rapid and complete recovery.