Rotator Cuff Tendonitis / Tendinosis

The rotator cuff muscles function to hold the head of the humerus into the shoulder blade as the arm is moved. With repetitive motions involving the arms, these muscles can become strained and develop small-scale injury known as microtrauma. As this happens the body repairs the injury by laying down new tissue known as scar-tissue. Over time, this scar tissue can accumulate and form adhesions, and will begin to affect the function of the shoulder muscles. These scar tissue adhesions result in altered stiffness, tightness, pain, altered blood flow, and weakness to the shoulder muscles. The most common symptoms are pain with use of the shoulder. The specific motions that elicit pain will vary depending on which muscle is most affected.

Our Approach

Treatment must be focused at addressing the underlying scar-tissue / adhesion formation, which is done through Myofascial Release Technique (MRT), and Graston Technique Low intensity laser therapy is often used to settle inflammation and stimulate tissue repair. Once pain nd inflammation are under control and motion is restored, functional rehabilitative exercises can be prescribed to stabilize the area and prevent recurrences.