
Throughout a round of golf or a practice session at the driving range, the golfer performs hundreds of the same swing motions over and over again. These repetitive motions can cause micro-trauma to the muscles, ligaments, and joints of the body and over time leads to what is known as a Repetitive Stress Injury (RSI). As a result inflammation develops within the tissues and in an attempt to stabilize the area the body lays down new connective tissue known as scar tissue. Over time this scar tissue builds-up and forms adhesions between and within the soft-tissues and joints. As adhesions form they result in a loss of flexibility, muscle weakness, and a loss of muscle endurance – all of which can affect the golf swing.

As long as these adhesions remain in the body, the function of those tissues and therefore the ability to achieve a proper golf swing will be compromised. For this reason, taking lessons and other attempts to correct the faulty swing often prove frustrating since the adhesions that are present do not allow the body to achieve the strength and motion necessary to a proper golf swing. Unfortunately, attempts at stretching or strengthening the tissue alone will usually gain poor results as it does little to treat the underlying adhesions. For the resolution of golfing injuries and to enable the body to achieve a proper swing the underlying scar tissue adhesions must be treated.

Many golfers will utilize Chiropractic Care as part of their regular golf routine, to keep them healthy, injury-free, and playing golf at their optimal level.

As a result of the repetitive nature of the golf swing, there is an inherent exposure to repetitive stress. Even the athlete who possesses good swing biomechanics will inevitably develop adhesions, which can impact performance and predispose the golfer to injury. Over time these adhesions will build-up and lead to injury, but long before symptoms appear the athlete’s performance will be affected. For this reason the evaluation and treatment of muscle and joint function should not wait until injury occurs.

Chiropractic care for the golfer can help players perform at their maximum level and achieve an optimal swing, while actively working to prevent injury before it occurs. This process centers on the examination of several aspects of body function as they relate to the golf swing. These include swing biomechanics, movement and flexibility of key joints, muscle strength and core stability, and the presence of scar tissue adhesions and soft tissue dysfunction. Once identified treatment will work to remove any problems that have been identified. Many golfers will utilize chiropractic care as part of their regular golf routine, to keep them healthy, injury free, and enjoying and playing golf at their optimal level.